Saturday, July 17, 2010

Elli is turning 3 years old!!!

It is so hard to believe that my little Elli is going to be 3 years old! She is still my baby and I still treasure rocking her before bed time, when she allows me that is. She is truly becoming a bright and funny little person.
I wanted to share her birthday pictures. Thankfully she has reached the point where she now enjoys getting her picture taken....

She has grown up so much this past year. Here are just a few of her accomplishments:

*Potty trained a month after she turned 2!
*Started going to school
*Lost her first tooth! (on accident!)
*Can ride a bike
*Knows her birthday and where she lives
*Knows all her letters and their sounds
*Sings many songs!

Happy Birthday my sweet Elli!

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