Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun Times!

We had a very busy weekend! All of my dance classes (which included) Laney got to perform at the Zionsville Ghost Walk in costume!!! It was so much fun and the kids did a great job. Then the night was finished with all kids at Parent's Night Out at the gym.

Then on Sunday we had a Fall Fun Festival at the Interactive Academy and we all had a great time as a family. Then we were off to the Zoo Boo to see Matt and Jodi who were working the Hay Maze.

Laney was a cow and Elli was Belle. The girls and Mack loved running around the zoo looking at all the animals and watching the other kids in their costumes. There were actually many animals out so that was a nice surprise.

After that Bill and I ended up taking everyone out to eat which is a big treat for us. I was so proud how all 3 kids sat and ate and behaved so well! Maybe we can start to go out to eat more often!

It was a perfect family night and a good practice for Treat or Treating.

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